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World Literature 2 (Addison): Sources--Identifying & Using

Reading list for Janet Addison's class.

Primary Documents

What is a primary document? 

  • A useful introduction to primary documentation is available from RUSA, the Reference & User Services Association of the American Libraries Association. 
  • Examples of primary documents/sources include: original documents (like the actual United States Constitution), research articles, diaries, interviews, personal accounts of events, eye-witness experiences and live-action news.

    --created by Indiana University East-Campus Library 

    Refereed/Peer-reviewed?--from Indiana University East

    Definition of Peer Review:  
    Experts in a field (singly or several people) review an author's work by its written description for methods, plausibility, completeness, ethics, etc. to "weed-out" poorly documented/conceived research, implausible research, poorly constructed research, dishonest research,etc. The hard sciences may also apply a more stringent idea of peer-reviewed by including the idea of blind peer-review. This kind of peer review excludes author and other personal information from the review process. In this case the "editor" as a peer-reviewer is removed from the process.

    --created by Indiana University East--Campus Library

    Research Tips--Flip through the book!

    The CRAAP Test--Flip through the book!

    Advanced Writing: Evaluating Sources

    Research Minutes: How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles

    Peer Review

    From libncsu (NCSU Libraries),, May 1, 2014