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Instructional Continuity : Communication and Getting Started

Resources and tutorials available for faculty to transfer instructional content and activities to the online environment.

Considerations Before Getting Started

Moving your course online has some special considerations that might affect how you deliver your content. Here are some questions to ask yourself while making the transition:

Can my students access my course content if they have limited bandwidth?

Do my students know how to contact me if one method is not possible?

Do my students have access to the necessary technology and tools to complete the work?

If I hold synchronous class sessions, what happens if my students cannot login at the specific time?

Communicate with Students

Moving your course into the online environment will be a change for you and your students. Everyone needs to be prepared for when this could happen. As the instructor, you need to communicate specific information to your students about this transition. These include telling students:

  • how to login to Canvas to access the course,
  • how to contact you (email, phone, text message, etc.),
  • your expectations of having class (synchronous/asynchronous),
  • how to navigate the online course, and
  • where and how to get technical support.

The Chronicle of Higher Education has a great article on other tips and tricks you can do make sure you and your students are fully prepared.

Are You Ready to Move Your Course Online?

Are You Ready to Move Your Course Online?

Readiness Checklist

Answer the following sets of questions to help you determine if you are ready to move your face-to-face class into the online environment. If you can answer "Yes" to all of the questions, you are ready to move your course online. If you answer "No" to any question, please click on the link in the "No" column to view a video tutorial.




 I know how to log onto to Canvas.
Please contact Steve Elder,; (501) 205-8838.
I can access my course from the Canvas dashboard. Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation
I know how to create assignments and due dates for my students inside the Canvas course. How to Create Modules in Canvas, New Assignments and Discussions
I can create items that explain to my students what they need to read/watch/do inside my Canvas Course. Creating Canvas Announcements
I know how to make my online course accessible for all students. Publish Your Canvas Course
I know how to upload files, images and other content into Canvas so that my students can view the content I want them to view. Adding Content to Canvas: Files, Pages, and Modules
I know how to organize my course shell using the modules.  Organizing Your Canvas Course with Modules
I know how to record and share lectures with students online (either via Zoom or Canvas). Recording Video in Canvas for Teachers
I can grade my students’ submitted work using the Canvas Grade Center. New Gradebook Overview in Canvas

The next set of questions deal with deal with the communication between you and your students. Answer the questions to see if they have the information they need from you to move into the online environment.




I know how to use announcements inside of Canvas to communicate with my students.     
I have told my students how I will connect with them during this time (email, phone calls, Zoom, etc.)    
I am able to have synchronous and/or asynchronous discussions with my students.     
My students understand the expectations I have set forth for them during this time of transition.    

If you need help answering "Yes" to any of the above questions, or need any additional support using Canvas, please contact Steve Elder,; (501) 205-8838.