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Marketing Research: Resources from the Web

Archived Guide: Marketing Research Course--class project

Recommended Reading from the Internet

Here are some articles with good information from the Internet. There are more available than is listed here; as always, be sure to choose something from a credible source. The articles listed here are from well-known publications or institutions.

Government Sources


Recommended Websites for further searching. Be sure to check the online archives for the listed national newspapers and magazines; many of them have articles discussing the future of newsprint and other media.

(Check out the "Search Terms" tab on this guide for suggested searching at these websites.)

Business Reports from the Web

TED Talks

TED is a nonprofit global community devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). Their agenda is make great ideas accessible and to spark conversation. The following are some recommended TED talks discussing newspapers and media: