To borrow materials from Story Library, you should present:
Materials should be borrowed from and returned to Story Library. Items can be returned to the Information Desk or dropped in the outside book return. Please bring all checked-out technology (iPads, laptops, etc.) to the Information Desk - do not drop in the book return.
If you are interested in using Interlibrary Loan (borrowing from another library), please visit the InterLibrary Loan page.
Items may be renewed at least twice during the semester. To renew your books, simply visit the library with your student ID, or login to your library account to renew them from home.
Story Library reserves the right to recall any item that has been renewed beyond it's one-month initial loan period due to another patron's request.
Interlibrary Loan materials will be renewed once - this policy applies both to materials that Story Library has loaned to other libraries and has borrowed for our patrons.
Story Library does not charge fines for overdue materials.
Books not returned by the end of the semester will be considered lost, and charges will be assessed according to the policy for lost books. Students with lost book charges may be prohibited from registering or receiving grades.
Lost/Damaged Items: the patron must pay for any lost or seriously damaged item that is checked out in his/her name.
Charges: the minimum charge for a lost or damaged item is $50.00. The actual cost will depend on the cost and condition of the item. If an item that has been paid for is later found, the library director may decline to accept the item and allow the charge to stand, or accept the item and refund half of the charge paid. The choice will be at the discretion of the library director.
The patron may NOT buy a copy of the item and return it as a replacement for the lost or damaged item.